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This set of pages is to track the meaningful things I read / watch / listen to 1) better map ideas and help declutter my mind and 2) finally have a written lists to easily reference and give recs. Great art also seems to have recurring ideas that are abundant across the medium, era, and intended audience.

I endorse nothing and don’t agree or believe it all, but I think all are worth exploring. I hope to regularly update this with more finds, especially ones I haven’t read or heard before.

My writing is on the blog (internal) or ideas (external) pages. Some of the listed have notes as a separate post/page.


  1. Biographies / memoirs
  2. Essays
  3. Fiction / novels
  4. Movies
  5. Non-fiction / musings
  6. Newsletters
  7. Podcasts
  8. Stand up comedy
  9. TV